Just a note about internal politics. I see fights between Gc people here all of the time, and sometimes people try to get other people to unfollow the person they are mad at. this happened to me about 3 years ago. that is, a group of 3 people decided a typo in one of my memes 1/
2/ made the whole "movement" look bad, and they tried to get people to unfollow me.
I told them a) I don't speak for the whole "community" or movement b) I recruit more people to these ideas than I put off with spelling errors c) I don't interfere with your work, don't interfere
3/with mine.

its been 3 years, and one of these people (who I never met and who i never interfered with), still wanks off about me.

So when people tell me to unfollow someone in our group over ANYTHING, I don't. I watch them to see if they may or may not be a problem.
4/ in short, I never tell other people how to do their advocacy and I expect the same.
I try to stay out of personal shit. that doesn't mean Im saying you have to, I'm just saying, consider being cautious when people tell you things
5/ the good news is, most people ARE able to see past our differences.
We do good work here. Some work well together, some work well on their own. It takes a lot of different approaches all at once in my opinion.
6. to be clear, this thread was inspired by what happened to me, not as a statement about any conflicts going on today. One of these people from three years ago is still telling people not to associate with me. and I don't get it, because our work complements each others.
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