Until the Yemeni Jews are given their freedom to live safely in Yemen or have made their way to Israel w/out any murders at all I better not hear a fucking PEEP about Israel or the I/P conflict.

Yemen is a genocidal ethnostate & y'all don't care bc it's Jews.
Yemen has:

- forced Jewish orphans under 12 to convert to Islam by law
- led multiple pogroms, mass murders, & genocides of Jews
- destroyed Jewish businesses & homes
- has allowed no communal structure for Jews & forced to live scattered until 2009
Yemen has (cont'd):

- banned Jews from eating meals w/or marrying Muslims
- banned immigration to Israel for their Jews
- banned Israeli passports from traveling freely to or within Yemen, even if they were originally from Yemen
Yemen has (cont'd.):

- put in laws that to be in Parliament you must be the child of 2 Muslim parents to keep Jews from running for office
- in 2015 all remaining Jews were given a convert to Islam or leave/die command by the government
There were many secret operations to remove Jews from Yemen & bring them to Israel where they would be safe, as well as smuggle out artifacts.

The Yemeni government has stated that all Yemeni Jewish sacred ritual objects (even of historical value) belong to the government.
The Yemeni Jews who've been there for thousands of years are being ethnically cleansed from the land.

Yemen is a genocidal ethnostate.

And everyone who talks so much shit about Israel are real fucking silent about Yemen because y'alls issues lies with Jews existing.
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