For as long as I've been aware of politics, I have only wanted to see a few things:
A small, fiscally responsible Federal Government that simply stays out of my personal business, deals with foreign nations and regulates trade between states.
Everything else is overreach
That's why I almost always cringe when people call upon Congress or the President to make laws regarding personal matters. I don't want them to have ANY control over my personal life, because I know that it will come to no good end. There are few exceptions.
My political views haven't changed much since the 80's, and recent events merely confirm my stance. As I look at the left's totalitarian agenda, I shake my head in disgust. They have no clue what is going to happen to them if they get their way.
They have been brainwashed into believing that some benevolent bureaucrat will care for their every need while doling out "fairness" and "equality". They don't understand how the power game is played.
I'll sum it all up in one phrase:
It is the ultimate destiny of every form of government over time to become drunk on power and corrupt to the point of failure. Therefore it is best that the people control the government instead of having the government control the people.
This government has been past that tipping point for quite a while now..
Time to reel it in.
Vote accordingly.
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