tw // semi callout/rant/me voicing emotions about oomf i trusted in FF14

please don't read if you met me through twitter and feel anxiety from it cause it's someone i met in game and like 80% of my FF14 friends I met through twit so its none of y'all and i love y'all so much
not one of my "friends" cutting off contact with another one after they voiced their issues and concerns with jokes and them not taking it seriously

i dont usually do vagues cause they can cause anxiety easily (SORRY) but if you met me through twit first its none of y'all
if you met me through FF14 in game, and you know who you are, please unfollow and/or block me, because you just mimicked the exact behaviour the old abusive FC leader did to me and yet you're glad about that, saying you can go to bed happy after cutting off your closest friend.
you better read this when you wake up cause holy shit i thought i trusted you but I'm immensely disappointed at how easily you threw away that friendship in favour for someone you literally shit on behind their backs and called stupid, so unfollow and block me when you wake up!!
i hate causing drama and anxiety on the timeline but i'm genuinely super dissapointed in this person, you can defend yourself to me if you see this, but honestly i don't see how you would. try it if you like, i suppose.
end of thread. sorry about that i had to get it off my chest cause i lost all respect for that person and don't see the logic in cutting off someone who had your back for multiple years in favour of someone who you kept calling dumb and a mess behind their back like????
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