Case of the week. A thread 🧵
With written permission.
73 yo M with hx of L TKA 12 yrs ago at OSH - did well until 8 mo ago when he jumped off the back of a truck.

Pain. Swelling. Flexion instability.

Stable varus / valgus
+ post drawer
Xrays show a well fixed Scorpio PS TKA in neutral alignment.

Scorpio has a low profile box and can be mistaken for CR.
Sent to us for eval painful knee.

Bone scan from OSH negative.
Infectious workup negative

Next steps?
Planning: 5 Ps
Prior planning prevents poor performance
- consider flex/ex mismatch: Legion revision w cones on backup

- given a well functioning knee, suddenly instability w trauma - think fractured post - have poly liners available
Fractured post.
Liner revision only.

See post still in the notch.
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