My mom lives in a senior apt bldg in Louisiana. Today she told me, "My rocking chair makes a creaking sound that sounds like 'CO-vid, CO-vid, CO-vid.' It's like living in a horror movie. I never liked horror movies, I hate that Freddy Krueger!" 1/
No one else there takes Covid seriously. "People don't care about science or other people." She's finding it hard to focus on tv. "'Wheel of Fortune?' Gimme a break! I don't even care about seeing people on Antiques Roadshow being told their crap is worth nothing anymore." 2/
"The doctor shaved my corns down today and my blood sugar is normal, so I don't know why my feet are numb. She's a nice dr and we laughed a lot, mostly about my gross toes." 3/
"I was walking down the hall with my mask on and I thought, 'This isn't so bad. What is wrong with people??'" 4/
"If you drop a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the floor over and over, it will land peanut butter side up a certain percentage of the time, like a coin toss." 5/
"Teddy Roosevelt had his leg amputated without anesthesia and he had asthma and created national parks, you'd probably like him because he was into socialized medicine, a man with a name that begins with 'D' said that somewhere." 6/
"I don't miss church that much, mostly because of the awful singing, and I feel guilty and pray about that." 7/
"These days I feel most bad for people who have no sense of humor. There are people here who are like 'look at that lizard' and then don't want to hear any lizard jokes.'" 8/
Call you elders, folks. They are realizing they might not be here much longer, they're lonely, they're isolated, and they will impart some insight no matter how fractured and factually incorrect. Be there for them. 9/end
ONE MORE: encourage them in their cautiousness, because many of their communities aren’t enforcing masking. Keep them alive. Unless they’re horrid and you stand to inherit. (My mom told me it was ok to make that joke)
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