SO GOOD. Must read from @EricaKohl

"Despite this well-documented history of #philanthropy + early + mid-20th century civil rights activism, today’s funders are continuing to act in ways that are undermining radical movements for justice."
"Far from these protests feeling like the crescendo of decades of funding social justice orgs—the protests have exposed a gilded #philanthropy wholly out of step w/ the causes it purports to support + lacking in imagination about how to cede power + support Black-led movements."
"Instead of charitable fdns, it is individual small donors who are responsible for providing much of the funding to the current mvmt. This shift ... moves the accountability away from the funder to citizens + it greatly reduces the influence that donors can have on the mvmt."
"...while mvmt capture is not operating the same in the present as it did in the past, we should still pay attn to the impact of charitable foundations on the M4BL. ... philanthropic funders have shifted to a more obscured type of soft power."
"In funding a new cadre of reformers, big philanthropy has consistently undermined a central tenant of the M4BL + used up scarce resources as activists have had to expend energy + time in combating not just the crim punishment system but also well-funded orgs w/ reformist goals."
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