1|4 Let me break something down for those of you who think like Donald Trump. Black people account for around 13-14% of America’s population. Hispanic/Latinx people account for 16-18% of America’s population. White people account for 60% of America’s population.
2|4 Therefore, saying that white people face police violence more than any minority is astronomically ignorant. We’re not in the same range, so it’s illogical to compare the rates between the groups based on a surface level amount of information.
3|4 Now, if you break down the numbers within each specific group, then make the comparison, you’ll see that Black & brown people are more likely to be victims of police brutality. Not only that, you’ll also see that the majority is more likely to receive justice than minorities.
4|4 Not only that, you’ll also see that the majority is far more likely to receive justice than minorities.

Police brutality is problem for everyone—including officers who aren’t corrupt. Changing the narrative does not change the issue at hand. Corruption must be eradicated.
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