Pro tip: Treating BIPOC as a homogenous group that are supposed to hold a certain position or tow a certain line without a difference of opinion is dehumanizing and harmful. Here are some examples that many of us can be guilty of:
1) Looking for 1 BIPOC to “represent the community” on your committee. We are diverse like you are diverse. We are made of many communities. 1 White committee member doesn’t represent “the White community”
2) Attempting to silence BIPOC voices who provide feedback, critique, or go against the orthodoxy while holding up other BIPOC who agree with you. We are allowed to have a different opinion than other BIPOC. We shouldn’t be punished for it.
3) Trying to “whitesplain” systemic racism to someone who has a lived and living experience of racism. If we didn’t ask for you to explain racism to us, you can probably keep your new found wokeness to yourself. Please and thank you.
4) Providing examples of BIPOC who have “made it” to cite how inclusive your organization is.
5) Telling BIPOC who speak up about racism and prejudice how their experience is different from what you know other BIPOC experienced. (Actually this one is a form of gaslighting which is abuse in and of itself).
6) Last but not least, assuming that BIPOC cannot demonstrate racial prejudice or discrimination. We are all susceptible to the same systemic racism that is baked into the fabric of society. We all have a role to play to make things better.
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