Here’s an idea: pick a few things we have the FREEDOM to do without. Like when we’re on a diet. We’re FREE to have ice cream. And we’re also FREE not to. Let’s do without something we don’t need, like bars & indoor restaurants. And let’s spit into a mask instead of the air. 7/
3. Several scientists have said they have gotten death threats & public health workers had lost their jobs or had to quit for personal safety. Are these people a threat to you?

“Well they’re kind of telling us things some people don’t want to hear. And they have been wrong.”8/
Here’s an idea. Why don’t we absolutely not listen to the public health experts if the topic is, say, not public health. And let’s consider what they tell us the best they know when they do know best.

And if we don’t like it, let’s not threaten to shoot at them. 9/
Who said you can have everything?

You do realize this is a pandemic. That the rest of the world is taking this very seriously. It’s the worst in our lifetimes. And you get delivery ice cream & online movies.

But you want more & refuse any consequences. 10/
Here’s an idea. I know we have a lot of rights. We also have some commitments that keep those rights flowing. To the environment, the health of of our neighbors, to a unified defense, to our kids. Let’s talk about those as much as we do our rights. 11/
Who is Tom Cotton?

(That one I made up. There was no interest.) 12/
There’s a lot of spread in churches and stadiums around the world. We know you are religious & you like sports but that much? What’s wrong with Zoom Church & Taiwanese baseball? 13/
This one I felt like I could handle: boring sermons & too many home runs. 14/
Here’s an idea: until we have enough tests to send kids to school, let’s not use them on sports teams. 15/
We heard 5 million people lost health insurance during the pandemic? How is that possible? Your government must all be very upset.

Oh, they’re just devastated.

“See, it’s very logical. If you’re employed, you get insurance. Unless you get paid by the hour. Or work 29 hours. Or work a lot of jobs. Or lose your job. Now the government is suing so people who don’t have jobs also lose insurance.”

I’m sure they thought I made that up.

Here’s an idea. Let’s just give everyone coverage just for being alive.

I thought they would be impressed but it didn’t sound very original to them. 18/
We hear your president is discrediting Anthony Fauci, your lead scientist. And he makes drug recommendations. Is he a scientist too like Angela Merkel?

“People keep telling him he’s very smart. And he seems to like that and agree.” 19/
Here’s an idea. If a scientist wants to level a professional criticism at Anthony Fauci, fine. I’m sure he can take it. If Francis Collins thinks he’s slacking & playing Tetris on his computer, let’s talk with him. Otherwise, let’s leave him to work on infectious diseases. 20/
We notice people calling you & Larry Brilliant & Scott Gottlieb & others “fear mongers.” Are people not fearful of a highly contagious invisible deadly virus? 21/
“Well, COVID is dangerous. And some people deal with their fears by projecting on others. They are scared to be seen as babies because of some insecurity & name calling helps them paint over reality. I have a compassion for them. But obviously no one should listen to them.” 22/
Here’s an idea. Let’s all find some real experts to listen to (not me) in the areas we care about, take care in our own behavior to protect ourselves & others & not worry over people who were once told that being contrary would get them noticed. 23/
We’ve shown you how to this. Why aren’t you doing it.

I know that’s not a question. And it was actually never said. But whether Japan, Singapore, Germany or Australia, I felt it behind every question.

Why are you not following what we’ve shown works? 24/
You mean masks? Lots of testing? Contact tracing? Containment? Opening slowly & steadily? Keeping the unsafest places closed?

Here’s an idea. Let’s not just always try to lead. Let’s follow for once. /end
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