if you’re a ♐️ or have Sagittarius placements (if u resonate w Sagittarius in any way), whew y’all where do i start😅 imma start w the good: a lot of y’all are dealing w a twin flame who feels like you’re a wish come true for them🤍✨ could be a soulmate, but you & this person —
♐️ really spark healing within one another!🦋 however this may come through triggering & mirroring, especially for the twin flames. i see that you’re really trying to focus on the good memories & positive thoughts here - and you & this person DO have a lot of positive memories —
♐️ n ish together! howeverrrr i’m seeing right underneath the surface there’s some pain in this connection .. deffo some heartbreak and maybe one party was a bit backstabbing which is never a good thing. y’all are trying to remain positive and trying to see your partner’s —
♐️ perspective & maybe even just overall focus on their good side & the good side of the connection kinda! the energy i’m getting from the person is positive tho, take it how it resonates bc maybe your person isn’t a positive influence in ur life but for most this is a twin —
♐️ flame or divine counterpart and you’re going to be with this person, maybe even have a child with them👀 they definitely see you as a maternal, loving energy and also very stable!! although i can see you’ve been a bit out of balance lately, maybe out of sorts but it looks —
♐️ like for some, a work situation has you fucked up lol. somebody’s dying to leave your job. like dyyyyying. it’s draining you. you’re tired. either your job or your working situation rn feels like a massive burden on you, lots are even dealing w petty shit at work & maybe —
♐️ even coworkers or clients etc legit sabotaging you or your success (or at least trying to). and/or you just feel like you’re wasting time, like in every sense this shit is just draining you and you’re like is all of this really necessary?? but anyways, you’ve been trying to —
♐️ figure out which way to go for a while now but it honestly just seems like you’re stuck. i’m hearing to remind you that decision-making is a gift: a gift to choose. if you’re being presented with options rn that you’re having trouble choosing between, remember this. try to —
♐️ ground yourself on how grateful you are to have the gift of choice, rather than seeing the decision as a stressor or burden, and REMEMBER that no matter what you choose, you are divinely protected🦋🤍✨ they got you. damn this is almost even more of a test on how confident —
♐️ you are in YOURSELF and your ability to choose than it is in whether you will choose the “right” path !!! wow. so sag, just keep on chugging away at trying to get out of this situation, & for some i am hearing DO NOT STOOP TO THEIR LEVEL❗️just keep your head down, stay —
♐️ above that shit, and get outtaaaa there.! but you’re doing well in taking the steps, just remember what i am telling you abt decisions! you could stand to be a bit more decisive🤍🤍 & final message for y’all is circling back to the love connection .. so for some this is a —
♐️ person you’ve either known since childhood or for a long ass time, or otherwise it just mutually feels this way for y’all bc you’ve know each other in past lives! 🦋 you’re both keeping tabs on one another rn, could be dealing w Pisces, Aquarius or earth sign placements btw —
♐️ (doesn’t have to be tho), & y’all are mutually keeping up one another maybe stalking social media or some are communicating thru music w your twin like saving songs on playlists n such. your person is for sureee trying to communicate w you in the 5D, some they honestly are —
♐️ HOPING that you can read their mind lmao and i feel like you’re mutually trying to. so keep it up! bc i see a very positive future w this person for most here 🤍 you’ll know if this is for you💖
tips are accepted btw & thank you in advance🤍✨ appreciate y’all🥰 (& paypal is also $karli1111🦋) http://cash.app/$karli1111 
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