Bit of a random thread, here, but I feel the need to get this off my chest. I've noticed some people sharing pictures of gals dressed in revealing attire while posing in a provocative manner. That got a train of thought going that I'd like to share:
Don't take this as me slut-shaming anyone or saying that it's wrong for a woman to make money off of her looks, as I suspect some of these women are doing. That isn't what I was thinking about nor do my thoughts apply strictly to women. They're a bit more universal than that.
What had occurred to me is that some of these women might be making ALL of their money off of their looks, putting all their eggs in one basket, as it were. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, here, it was just something I realized COULD be happening in SOME cases.
From there, I realize a few things. 1) Age gets us all eventually. Looks fade. 2) Our looks can be lost very quickly due to accidents or illnesses that leave our bodies disfigured. Such a situation would be a serious problem for ANYONE making ALL of their money off their looks.
And that made me realize that looks aren't the only way someone can put all their eggs into one basket. Think of the stock brokers who committed suicide when the market took a nose dive about a decade ago and they lost a ton of money. Looks aren't the only thing you can lose.
This got me thinking about how people can leave themselves vulnerable to a serious upset if 1) they put all their eggs in one basket and 2) they put too much value ON HOW THEY LOOK AND HOW MUCH STUFF THEY HAVE.
Building your life around looks, money, and possessions is foolish. You never know when disaster will strike and you'll lose some, most, or all of what you have. If you've built your sense of worth around how look or what you possess, losing those things is going to hurt A LOT.
My point in all this is that EVERYONE should be mindful of where they place their values and on what they build their sense of self-worth. You can go from beauty to disfigurement or riches to rags in the blink of an eye. A wise person is mindful of this aspect of reality.
Further, at the end of your life, when the Grim Reaper comes a knocking, your looks and possessions aren't going to amount to all that much. Build your life around something greater than those things and you'll have lived a fulfilling life.
Okay, I think that wraps it up. Like I said, I'm not calling out anyone in particular, nor one particular sex, just making an observation about people in general. You all take care, strive to live a fulfilling life, and keep moving forward!
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