Celebrities that have used the law of attraction to achieve success: a thread☁️✨
1. Will Smith

Will believes the key behind his success was the law of attraction. He said that you need to believe in yourself and go for what you believe in and you will achieve it. Will explains that greatness is accessible to everyone if you can believe it.
Here’s a video of him talking about it in an interview
2. Jim Carrey

He was a strong believer in the power of manifestation, and how he used the law of attraction to transform himself from into the successful man that he is today.
He spoke about how he used the power of intention and visualization (a dream check) to achieve his success in the film industry and earn his first $10 million. Here’s the interview he did with oprah speaking about the topic-
3. Lady Gaga

She used affirmations to change her beliefs and create the life she always desired. Lady Gaga believed that we all have the ability to achieve success and that we all have a superstar inside of us that we can tap into and release. the video-
4. Jay Z

He strongly believed that you create your own luck, if you want something, you go and get it. He said that you have to believe in your talent, believe that it’s there and that you can use your talent to achieve what you want.
5. Denzel Washington

He spoke about the law of attraction and how he believes that we attract things with our mind. He said that whether it’s fear or excitement, positive or negative, whatever our thoughts and feelings are focused on is what we will attract into our own lives
6. Steve Harvey

He believed that by using the methods of the law of attraction (such as, attracting what you want to attract and asking and believing in the universe so that you can receive what you want from the universe), have helped him gain a happy and successful life.
“You are a magnet. Whatever you are, that’s what you draw to you. If your negative, you’re going to draw negativity. If you’re positive, you’re going to draw positivity.” Here’s the video of steve talking about it-
7. Oprah Winfrey

She has spent a lot of time teaching others about the Law of Attraction and how it has changed her life. Oprah said that the more that you celebrate and praise your life, the more that you will receive and have to celebrate. The video-
8. Arnold Shwarzenegger

He said that you have to believe that you are going to achieve what you want, and visualize that you have it and will get it. Before Arnold was famous for being a film star, he mentioned that he would be the number one box office star in all of Hollywood.
9. Kanye west

He said that he has always believed in himself, and knows that you need to believe that you can do anything, in order to succeed. He said that when he was in eighth grade, he would tell himself he was the greatest rapper and imagine himself as the greatest rapper.
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