We all want cleaner air, less noise and healthier city spaces. But the Oval Triangle 'Low Traffic Neighbourhood' is not the right way to obtain these. We are a group of Oval and Stockwell residents asking Lambeth Council to urgently rethink the Oval LTN, because it:
Is undemocratic: the Oval LTN was rushed through Council decision making processes with a paper-thin evidence base, confused reasoning and virtually no consultation. It uses the wrong reasons to get the wrong answer to an important problem that we need to get right.
Exacerbates inequalities: the Oval Triangle LTN benefits relatively wealthier streets at the expense of surrounding areas. It penalises less affluent neighbourhoods by forcing traffic closer to their homes and restricting residents’ mobility.
Lacks proper data: the science supporting LTN schemes just doesn’t stack up. The idea of ‘evaporating traffic’ is based on a single, 18-year old, unreplicated study. Transport is complex and transport decisions should be based on real data.
Is badly designed: in theory LTN’s disperse traffic onto A-roads, but the A-roads around the ‘Oval triangle’ are residential and home to thousands of people and several schools.
Will cause poorer health overall: Oval LTN pushes traffic onto heavily residential roads bordering the ‘Oval triangle’, meaning hundreds of families face dirtier air on their doorstep.
Increases risks facing kids and youngsters: air pollution negatively impacts child neurodevelopment and lung capacity. Worse, pollution from idling traffic sits close to the ground, meaning children breathe more dirty air from around stationary or slow-moving traffic.
Just a few weeks in, Oval LTN has already had a big impact on residents in & around the triangle - more traffic, more noise, more pollution, missed deliveries, lost taxis, lost business...the list goes on.
Potentially tens of thousands of local residents are already negatively affected by one poorly thought-through initiative.

LTN should not stand for London’s Tortured Neighbourhoods. If you agree, visit our website to learn how to take action. https://www.oneoval.co.uk/ 
You can follow @oneoval_.
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