a thread of things lucas has done that shouldn’t be real but they are
when wayv were told that someone just stole 40 albums during a fansign and lucas just
him recording when wayv got stuck in an elevator and posting it on instagram
throwing a box into the crowd
singing along to jopping and barely getting any of the lyrics right
letting taemin put him on a confetti leash
doing the mickey mouse hotdog dance
going live for 3 seconds
him figuring out kaibaek
laughing at the way ten’s sitting
when he was trying to cover the waitress in the back during an instagram live
his reaction to kun humping the stage
lucas: nonono you’re singing it wrong

taemin: i’m taemin from shinee

lucas: ok taemin from shinee you’re singing it wrong
this video
when a fan told him they were at a duck shop which means male prositutes in chinese but they were literally at a duck stop
his wheeze
when he mispronounced and accidentally said tits on live tv at mama
getting dream plan copyrighted and taken down cuz he sang kung fu fighting too often
trying to show off his ring and almost sticking out his middle finger instead
getting fingers put up his butt by superm
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