there is no “high-functioning” or “low-functioning” autism. Those ideas came from eugenics. call it what it is - capable of producing capitalistic value or not. Now you’re addressing the way society values human life, not creating a false dichotomy that devalues it further
reevaluate why life is valuable
when these labels are destroyed it means we have to look at the access needs of the least privileged, which means all our needs are met. functioning labels creates a system in which we strip “low functioning” people of their rights & we provide less access to “high functioning”
in the end focusing on people’s functioning gets us nowhere the conversation should be focused on what people need in terms of care & accessibility. functioning labels take away the rights of people deemed “low functioning”
also i hate doing this but i feel kinda pressured to, but i know what i’m talking about. i’m an autistic person who’s been in community with, worked with, been an educator about, or been in the medical system as a disabled person my whole life in some form or another
like of course i’m always open to learning & disussion, but lol people r always really quick to assume i don’t know what i’m talking about when i’m quite confident in my knowledge to say the least
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