Let's talk about how many Executive Orders @realDonaldTrump has put in place to help #SaveTheChildren. Starting with this one which makes it legal to make global arrest for human trafficking. #DrainTheSwamp #EndTheDeepState #ChessNotCheckers https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
Then there's this exec. order which now applies to those that will be tried in international courts. For the first time under a President we have not been in a war. Why would we need international criminal court at a time of “no” terrorism? Because the crimes are global.
One of my favorites. His exec. order on fixing the child welfare system since we will be heavily relying on them while saving the children. Why didn't @CNN @cnnbrk do a special on this? Is it because its not in the @CIA interest ?? #DrainTheSwamp #SaveTheChildren #EndTheDeepState
It's because of people like you & me using our voices that awareness is being spread. We're uncovering truth and spreading it at record levels - so what does @realDonaldTrump do? He protects us being the media since the media is now fake news and he issued this #DrainTheSwamp
Knowing how many children were "lost" at the hand of @ICEgov... @realDonaldTrump issued an order for more local involvement w/refugees. More hands involved means more accountability & transparency. Thousands of kids wont just go missing. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-enhancing-state-local-involvement-refugee-resettlement/ #SaveTheChildren
Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar global profit split between the 1% - a conglomerate of the elite. Global drug trafficking is shared right down to the neighborhood drug dealer not an organization. The language in the order is loud and clear. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-taking-additional-steps-address-national-emergency-respect-significant-transnational-criminal-organizations/
@realDonaldTrump then placed an exec. order for people to get involved in national cybersecurity as we have a severe shortage - I'm assuming to counter the cyber crimes done under both the @BarackObama and @BillClinton administration. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-americas-cybersecurity-workforce/ #SaveTheChildren
This order transfers all background investigations such as trafficking to the DOD, which collab's w/ and reports directly to Trump's appointed DOJ. The same attorney general that initiated the Epstein investigation. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-transferring-responsibility-background-investigations-department-defense/ #SaveTheChildren #ChessNotCheckers
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