07/14/20.2 THE FIRST STEP IN CUTTING THE CORDS THAT BIND YOU TO THE PAST. My friends, I appreciate talking with you today. I will now start again the discussion about cutting the cords that bind you to people, and events, of the past.
If you did not see my message from yesterday, it is necessary for you first to make a list of things in your past that you still think about with negative feelings. These things might be family relationships, things you did, things other people did to you, or events.
Whenever we experience an interaction with others that ends up not being a positive experience, karmic bonds can attach, even if the interaction or event was not our own fault. These karmic bonds create what some call “cords,” because energetically, they look like a cord…
…between ourself and the other party(ies) involved in the interaction. These cords can grow larger and more powerful if the negative relationship continues, or the negative feelings involved are fed by fear, dread, hatred, anger--any negative thought.
These cords keep us bound to the other party(ies) as long as we continue to allow them to bind us. In order to heal ourselves and our energy, we must cleanse ourselves of these bonds. They don't usually just go away without conscious effort to get rid of them.
There are some who offer to cut these cords for others, but since it is a multi-step process, it works better if you do it yourself. Merely cutting the energetic cord does not do all that needs to be done.
Jesus spends a lot of time in his book talking about getting rid of energetic residue. Although he doesn't specifically mention the idea of "cords," his advice for getting rid of bad energy in our bodies is completely sound. This stored energy has the potential to harm us…
…as long as it remains within our bodies. Many people are experiencing continued, undiagnosable aches and pain, that is caused by these energetic cords. They seek out medical help, when in fact, the problem is an energetic bond to their soul.
Jesus discusses how important FORGIVENESS is in releasing the energetic residue that makes us sick. That is what I will be discussing as well, to give you more information on how FORGIVENESS clears energetic residue.
I know, if you are like me, you would prefer that I just give you one easy step to cut these energetic bonds, so you can be done with it. I always got annoyed when I found out things took more than one step, and somebody else could not just do it for me.
But cutting cords is a two step process, after you identify what you need to cut, and the first step is the hardest. And that step is FORGIVENESS of those who have hurt you.
Many people get very offended when it is suggested that they need to forgive someone who has mistreated them, and move on. They don't realize that forgiveness is not for the one who mistreated us. It is for the one who is mistreated.
Forgiveness has the automatic affect of ending the energetic hold someone has over us, after another person hurts us. We've talked a lot about how everything around us is a reality created by energy, and the energy of forgiveness is the only thing that has the power to help…
…us move on after we've been hurt. So, take a look at your lists of things that are still holding you back. You need to be deliberate and careful when you do this, so you get rid of all the dark energy. As you identify each thing on your list, one at a time…
...identify all of the ways that you were hurt by this interaction with someone else. This is a painful process, but you can't get rid of what you don't identify. Take all of the thoughts you still have of this other person, and form the thoughts into a shape with your mind.
As we've discussed in the past, all energy work we do is done by using the imagination as the tool for telling our own energy that we carry--the Creator energy we all can use—where to go, and how to function. It isn't our imagination itself that does this.
We just use our imagination to create an image, a picture, of what we want our energy to do. So in this case, form a picture, perhaps of a ball, or something you can throw, and move all of your thoughts into that image.
After you've created the image in your mind, resolve, by actually thinking this, that you are done with the other person in the scenario, that you forgive them, and release them to their own best good, and that you no longer want to be bound or hurt by the situation.
You have to be sincere about these thoughts, and genuinely want to be, and resolve to be done, with this situation. You also have to do it with a spirit of forgiveness, because you want to pack all of your past negative emotion into your imagined object so you can get rid of it.
Remember to do this with each individual relationship or interaction you need to clear out. Let yourself feel the emotional residue. If you need to scream it out, or cry it out, take some time by yourself, so you don't hurt others, and do what you need to do to really feel it.
After you feel you have felt all of the emotional baggage that goes along with what you are addressing, imagine the object you've created in your mind once again. Imagine yourself taking hold of that object and ejecting it, any way you want, from your mind.
Remember, again, its not the imagination that is going to get rid of it for you. Your imagination is just the instruction for that huge Creator energy you carry. You are just telling that energy what to do. When you throw the ball out in your mind, you are telling your energy…
…to go through your entire mind and body, and find all the energy related to the person or interaction you are addressing. Then your energy will do that, and will get rid of it, as per your instructions via this object you've created in your mind.
Tomorrow we will go through instructions on the second part of this process—a meditation to actually cut the energetic cord that can remain after you've purged your mind and body through forgiveness. The cords can still remain, even after the process I’ve described today.
I encourage you to go through every single thing in your past that you still think about that bothers you in any way. Get rid of the energetic residue with this simple exercise, one thing at a time, carefully covering everything that causes you to have negative emotions.
It will really seem silly, unless you acknowledge that you are being of energy, and that only energy will correct what holds you back. In time, you will become very efficient at this, and it won't require as much deliberate thought to control your energy as you like.
This may even go against what you were taught--that imagination is just for children. But our imagination was always the tool we were given to be able to focus on what we want to do with our energy. It is absolutely true, that if you can imagine something…
…you can focus your energy. The work of Energy Healing is just an extension of what I suggest to you today. It is all simply just learning how to visualize what you want to accomplish, and imagining the steps to do it, so your energy follows your commands.
I know it might be disappointing to some that this is such a seemingly simple thing to do. Maybe it seems too simple to be true. But remember, there is no special knowledge or technique required to use the Creator energy we are all carrying. It is a gift from our Creator.
As with all things I discuss, if you have a method of doing things that is your own and that you feel like works for you, by all means, do your own thing. Since no special knowledge or skill is required, I encourage you to come up with your own ways of doing things.
If you will work on this forgiveness aspect tonight, with at least a couple of the items that trouble you, we can move on to the next, almost-as-simple step tomorrow. Please don’t expect that you can do this over a single night. Unless you've had a super easy life, this process…
…can take awhile. Don't do more than you can do comfortably at one time. Energy work is exhausting if you don't work up to things, like you exercise physically. Just take it slowly, so your body can adjust to the energy moving through it.
If you are careful and deliberate with this process, after you finally cut the cords that bind you, I promise you the difference in your life will be amazing. You should feel much better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Pain levels can easily change. It is astonishing.
Thank you again for being here. I hope you will just give this a try, and see how healing yourself of your past will make a giant difference in your ability to serve as a lightworker, in whatever way you want to serve. My heart is with you, as you tackle this big project.
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