okay, i'm doing this no matter what, i think it's very important to make visible what's going on with CLC, the fandom and the amount of things the girls and us have to deal with everyday, this goes beyond kpop:
the cheshire fandom is a small fandom on this app, for that exact reason many of us are actually hesitant to respond to the hateful comments and false acussations towards the girls, if we do, other fandoms will bring us down or make fun of us most of the time
people constantly wish for them to disband
making tags about it
how our fandom is treated by others:
we are told to ask cube to fix the girls treatment (which we have been doing) and then when we do we get made of and repetitively bullied over it (nobody ever yelled at the staff by the way this is a rumor)
a continuation of the bullying: someone from another fandom copied the cheshires message and made fun of the stuttering the cheshire did which is very ableist, here's a clip
once cheshires decided to mass report everyone bullying her and everyone tweeting hate towards clc ie: the tweets above, people decided to mass block us instead to avoid having their tweet reported for bullying
another example of people brushing off the bullying despite us having all of the evidence. the people asking for clc in the main tweet aren't even cheshires or known in the fandom, but us reporting bullies and people being hatefu/ableist is because we are "threatened" apparently
calling us dramatic for making the same exact thread expressing our concerns just like their fandom did. apparently we aren't allowed to also be sad over such things or raise concerns
tw// guns violence
the things sorn has tweeted about her, she most likely sees this as shes active online.. idk where to begin with the gun shot one but it's disgusting
tw// suicide, death
we've lost the original tweet (deleted) but people wished death on sorn which was also very insensitive regarding what sulli went through
seungyeons dancing is sometimes mocked despite her being amazing, and this person felt the need to talk about her in a very disgusting inappropriate way and was so unnecessary to say
comparing s0rn to hitler.. HITLER the leader of the nazi party responsibile for the death and torture of so many..
tw// suicide , death

again wishing death on a member
i dont have the posts but i can add them later, but many people have spread rumors about s0rn and what happened. saying she did black face, that she made fun of it and excused it, claiming she said the n word, that she never apologized or took a very long time and more. +++
i completely understand not accepting her apology, no one has to ever forgive her and she herself acknowledge that. but to spread rumors about something so serious is wrong and makes it seem as if you dont actually care. sorn has apologize twice and has been working on educating
having their mv titles changed by antis
i want to add this here too https://twitter.com/chsnnasorn/status/1283467228516581376
and this, me talking about the bullying our fandom receives from EVERY FANDOM and the death threats and sick things people have said to them is considered me starting a "fan war" and an "anti" for exposing EVERY FANDOM and person that has said something horrible to clc
when we thought seungyeon had been assualted by a staff member this was their response
mocking a members looks, making a whole fake page of sorn and telling people to @ things to sorn knowing she will see it and is active on twitter
and i want to add, if you feel like this an attack on your fandom i feel you need to reevaluate yourself. this is not about a fanwar this is about serious things going on, no fandoms were ever targeted and many have been included. i find it sad anyone would turn it into such.
again mocking s0rns looks, theres so many of these and it hurts for us to see them because we know how active sorn is.. or was, she's stopped being active here because of this very reason and people constantly being mean towards her under her posts
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