a tweet making fun of these women has 100k likes but i swear to god if bella hadid wore this exact outfit it would be on a million "80s casual inspo ❤️" pinterest boards bc, as always, fashion is judged exclusively by the bodies that wear it
I've seen the first fit literally all over tiktok and pinterest but it's only rewarded on rich, skinny women. let's talk about who you're really making fun of when you're mocking "walmart fashion" !! you hate poor people !!
this ties into the point i make often about the aesthetics of class -- as beauty and thinness are increasingly only available to the rich, we've begun to code the aesthetic side effects of poverty as indicating evil, ignorance, sloth, poor taste, etc.
also this goes without saying but these fits are fire and they both look cute and if u look like them u should not be afraid to dress like this (or however u want) because it literally looks so good !!!
the last thing i will add is please stop fucking replying to this saying fat people shouldn't tuck their shirts in, it's gross, we don't police fashion based on the bodies that wear it, literally everybody looks good with their shirt tucked in, shut up
obligatory "wow this blew up lol" ! hi i'm rayne i'm eighteen and i'm a writer and activist and journalist and i'm glad u like this tweet ! i am thinking of expanding this into an essay or newsletter content or something so stay tuned ~~~
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