A letter from the New @NYMag editor in chief David Haskell about @sullydish.

Read the red outlined box.

Alternate take?

"Liberals cannot TOLERATE much if any criticism of their base believes, and because of their PREJUDICE and BIGOTRY, any minority belief must be suppressed."
Modern liberalism has become so illiberal, so lacking of challenging intellectual dogma, and so insular, that anyone challenging their orthodoxy must be expunged.

It really is simple as that.

This has been a trend for decades; we are nearing the pinnacle.
There are PLENTY of closed minded conservatives, of course. Closed minded people of all beliefs, colors, races, religions.

But the difference is that liberals live in isolated bubbles where they can ignore others. The rest of us are mostly not so 'lucky'.
Very few conservatives that live in the real world can live in the delusional, extremist closed environment that these left wing extremists live in.

Between TV, Movie, popular culture, etc, it is very hard to avoid.

And that is the difference.
So, I am sure the Times, NY Mag, like The Atlantic and Washington Post before them, will go out in search for a 'palatable' center right token voices that can stifle their harshest commentary so that the peons in those newsrooms won't be offended and faint.
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