Since The Sun's lawyers would like motive...Here's what happened on December 15 2015. #AmberHeard got bad news about her case of illegally smuggling her dogs into OZ. She went off the deep end and assaulted #JohnnyDepp leaving marks on his face.
These marks were not only seen by his security team, but also the world. The couple went to dinner at Ago on Dec 15 (AH has forgotten about this) and here are photos! JD's injuries present and match.
#amberheard is sans any marking to her face AT ALL.

WHOOPS. Witnesses + PHOTOS = PROBLEMs for AH!

So....after dinner.....she scrambles to create a storyline. She texts her friends, her assistants, her nurse, her Dr. But DOES NOT go to hospital.
We are still awaiting the meta data on HER photos. but #johnnydepp photos are confirmed to be dated Dec 15, 2015 and Sean Bett (who took them) will be testifying. This is Sean, with them AT AGO! Photos were posted to the world on Dec 16, 2015 7:26pm
#AmberHeard is fucked. She's panicked. She freaks out and has to concoct evidence that is "worse" than anything #johnnyDepp has. And topping photos taken by paps as you were out in public, is hard. So SHE TELLS PEOPLE what happened. But that is ALL. Amber Heard SAID IT.
But so far, her doctor, her nurse, her stylist, Sean Bett, these pap cameras, and TV cameras, didn't see it.

So let us see the meta data on these photos...Anything AFTER the James Corden show taping on Dec 16 @3 -5PM and #AmberHeard can take a long walk off a short cliff.
P.S. iO Wright and Raquel Pennington better start getting really nervous. Because if witnesses saw AH with no injuries after the hours she last saw Johnny Depp and then they took THESE photos many, many hours later.

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