a thread of carats being extremely disrespectful, racist and invalidating feeling of Indian and black stans.
Let me start this thread off by saying that you stan POC. You do not have the right to be xenophobic and racist to poc stans. Us saying that we are disappointed by wonu or anyone for that matter doesn't imply that we are his antis or that we hate him.
Now let's continue
Tw// gore, choke

First one on here is this person who is threatening to choke us Indian carats and threatening us with extremely graphic and gore images, because we called out Wonwoo and asked for an apology
Second mention on here is @/LiNadj04 who has the audacity to tell us that they "hate" us because we called him out and telling us that we're fake fans. They're so many more tweets but I'd save them some grace atleast.
Also user @/Maiden35956813 - please read and decide for yrslf
User @/LiNadj04 has also been extremely racist during blm. I have screenshots to prove it. And also supported reporting the Seungkwan improper treatment thread made by @baekzys and @fallinkwan just because "antis will use it to attack svt and carats will get a bad name" (in 2nss)
Both @/LiNadj04 & @/emarieyyehoshi are the admins of a carat reporting gc. They are supposed to report and take down tweets that actually tarnish the members. Marie is also the one who did not tweet a single thing during blm except for "please don't hate, please don't be divided"
Moving on, @/carat_joy posted a very incorrect statement to which these were the qrts..... We're not hating on Wonwoo nor are we antis. You're all making us out to be some sort of svt haters. Clearing searches, even sending us hate and reporting our accs. This is wrong. Please.
When BLM was trending @/wonwoopictures did not post even ONE single tweet about black lives matter. They were called out repeatedly but they just continued to change their @ and not post anything despite their 50K followers. A big thank you to @wwloops for making us aware
This user @/archangelhan has compared me and @peachwonwoo @wwloops @wonupictures @jwwlooped to the policemen who killed George just because we were asking people to be more aware.
@/loveleewoozi is the admin of a famous carat guide acc and they have absolutely no shame and no fucking right to say all this. They cannot and should not speak over us. Please read and decide for yourself. They're an absolutely disgusting person for comparing (in the 2nd ss)
It has come to my attention that @/LiNadj04 has also laughed at Native carats during the dreamcatcher issue and also posted this really stupid rant. They have also posted xenophobic tweets about Chinese people regarding the Covid situation
Lastly but I don't think the least, this op @huangjangeun has continued to be racist to us by saying that we're making Wonwoo seem bad or spoiling his rep and posting tweets like these. Let me remind you once again. We are NOT cancelling Wonwoo. We're just trying to educate him.
Lastly, I am not black, I am NOT attempting to speak over black carats. I'm just trying to bring more light to the issue. If anyone feels offended please tell me and I'll listen to you. I want to be a better ally and I really hope people stop the discrimination and invalidation.
SCREENSHOTS FROM WEVERSE!!!!!!! KCARATS BEING OPENLY RACIST. Please don't be a Kcarat bootlicker. They don't care about anyone other than themselves.
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