1. Its true that NYC's pandemic was the worst- and that had @NYGovCuomo shut down as quickly as @GavinNewsom less New Yorkers would have died. It is also true that Cuomo used sloppy language in some of his pressers, often framing the virus as only affecting old people. And its https://twitter.com/DKThomp/status/1283106496901939200
2. def the case that when you have a virus that disproportionately fatal to the very old, you should not use nursing homes for overcapacity. These are all valid criticisms 1 can level at @NYGovCuomo's pandemic handling & there will be no leader, not @GovLarryHogan, not @GovInslee
3. and not @GovWhitmer for whom you won't be able to find elements of their pandemic response to legitimately critique. That said, in CONTEXT, @NYGovCuomo had to adapt in real time to something never seen before in American govn't: total abdication of presidential leadership.
4. The wasted time waiting for Trump & the fed govn't he alone dictates cost NYC dearly. And eventually, @NYGovCuomo & the rest of our nation's (sane) governors figured out that for once in American history help was NEVER coming. Yes, help was delayed in Katrina, but it did,
5. eventually come once GWB figured out how massively he had f'ed up & re-calibrated his response approach. We've simply never seen the fed govn't sit there, largely impotent in the face of a massive national crisis & it took the states time to figure out how to deal w the crisis
6. w/o the federal govn't leading the charge. That should never have happened. The fact that it DID happen is why we're looking at the current shit show we, and ONLY America, has right now, which is a genocide of Trump incompetence.
7. Its easy to pick apart Cuomo's decisions. Its easy to point out that most of the death's came from the country's most densely populated city & only one with a truly underground subway system. But the fact is, had President Trump heeded the warning in Feb and early March &
8. a national stay-at-home order. If he had told Americans and their governors and members of Congress the truth about what public health professionals were advising him, if he has believed those experts rather than engaged in childish escapism and magical "it'll disappear"
9. thinking, thousands and thousands of New Yorkers, and other Americans would be alive today. @NYGovCuomo is many things, but he's not the president of the United States. Cuomo gets "credit from the media" bc at a time when we were cowering in our houses and watching New Yorkers
10. being carried out of their homes by the dozens in body bags & the president was talking gibberish about bleach and telling us that he "takes no responsibility" @NYGovCuomo was out there everyday trying to row a boat w no oars. Few could have done it better frankly.
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