I’ve seen this discussed a lot over the last week, so I want to clarify this. In chapter 146, when Oikawa says “talent is something you make bloom”, the word he uses for talent is 才能, which means exactly the same as it does in English (talent or ability).
Some people seem to interpret his description of talent as something innate, something you are born with, however, when you are referring to innate talent in Japanese, you use the expression天賦の才能 (literally innate ability/talent/natural gift).
This is why talent is something that can be made to bloom. I also find it interesting that the verb he uses here is 為せる, which can be translated both as “to make” or “to allow”. To me, this inspires the sense of both active and passive blossoming and also suggests that you
must give yourself some measure of grace and be willing to give yourself both opportunity and time to bloom into the person you want to become. You must be willing to have faith in yourself, and this is a lesson that I think Oikawa desperately needed to learn, and ultimately did.
So does Oikawa have talent? He may not have been born with it (nobody is), but yes, I believe he has had talent since the day we first met him. That said, blossoming isn’t something that happens overnight. Like everyone else, it has taken time for him to grow and bloom.
And he isn’t done flourishing even now. Not even close. This is a process that will take his entire life, and the same goes for all of these characters and for all of us as human beings. Growth never truly stops. Every day we grow. Every day we change. Every day we improve.
For the first time ever, Oikawa Tooru has turned his face towards the sun and is beginning to blossom more than ever before and we, the readers, are all lucky to witness this. And, it is my hope for each and every one of you that you learn from him and continue to blossom too.❤️
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