The hearing on Harvard and MIT's lawsuit challenging the new Trump administration policy that would force international students in online classes to leave the country starts at 3 p.m. ET. Follow along — I'll be live tweeting
NEWS: Government has agreed to rescind the July 6 policy on international students and online learning and FAQ released the next day. Also agreed to rescind any implementation and will return to status quo of March 9 guidance
This is rescinded on a nationwide basis. Complete repeal of the new policy
That's it. The Trump administration backed off in the face of widespread opposition from higher ed, but also from states, cities and counties, business community, tech companies
The outstanding question: Will the administration try to come back with a more limited international students policy, perhaps one restricted just to new students, as suggested in White House leaks earlier this afternoon?
Also, as many have noted: Colleges won this case. Absolutely. But the reputational damage to American higher ed, by policies that send a message to international students that they are unwelcome, should not be discounted
Just got off the phone with Terry Hartle of @ACEducation: "For today, I think we got the best possible outcome could have hoped for" he says of the ruling for colleges and international students
You can follow @karinfischer.
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