POC aspiring writers! A couple of years back I remote interned with a top New York lit agency and gave editorial notes on yet to be published novels. In the spirit of paying things fwd I'd like to offer 3 working class womxn of colour some feedback on first ten pages or so 1/3
of their novel. Probably best to stick to Literary fiction/non-fiction, YA or MG of any genre as I've specialised in those. Might be able to offer again in the future. First three eligible people who reply to this thread. I'll follow you and you can DM me your email 2/3
Can't promise on specific time scales but should be able to get to these over the next two weeks. I know it's not much, but so hard to get free feedback for aspiring writers and I should be able to help a little. Pre-agented writers only please 🙂3/3
You can follow @FarinaAckerman.
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