I received a lovely mail today from my boyfriend's ex, although I had mixed feelings about the mail, I felt really jealous.

They had a 3 years relationship between them before we met.
Their relationship lasted only in Uni, after graduation they broke. She's stays in the North and he's stays in Lag. Eventually she went back and that's why they broke up.
Over 2 years that I've been with my boyfriend he's told me a few things about her, all positive.

I heard from his friends that they were The dream couple and that she was a very kind and lovely person.
Some said that they think he's never going to love again like he loved her which obviously hurt him so bad.
Well today it got weird. Apparently when they broke up she sent him a perticular mail.
Amongst other things it says that she wishes him happiness blah blah.
But then it says that he should send the same mail to the girl he finds love with again.

Well he sent me the email. I didn't know what to expect.

But she was so nice in her mail. Basically said I'm very lucky to have his love that I should cherish it.
Then she included some anecdotal tips on how to make him happy.

I just feel weird. This lady seems to be a saint. I don't know how to feel about this mail and the whole thing.

Should I contact her? But what would I even say?
It's really strange that my bf or anyone else hasn't mentioned a single negative thing about her?

Somehow this mail made me jealous because I could feel a level of closeness that I don't have with my boyfriend.
What should I make of this?
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