btw, in case you're wondering, by my count, bari weiss published a grand total of 67 columns for the NYT in over three years of employment, which means all of this fucking hysterical nonsense is for someone who averaged less than two columns per month.
right now congress is debating whether or not american workers are worth an extra $600 during a depression and a pandemic and bari weiss is secure and comfortable enough to give the NYT the finger for a job that requires her to publish less than twice per month.
i don't know how much time the average NYT op-ed column takes to write, but even if i'm extremely generous and assume it takes at least 40h, that's less than 80h a month, and she was almost certainly pulling down over $100K/yr for it.
anyway if this is what cancel culture looks like you motherfuckers can cancel me every day and twice on sunday.
teachers are writing their wills to go back to work and bari weiss couldn’t even muster up the energy to get herself properly fired to collect unemployment but sure, cancel culture is the scourge of modern life.
also, since this appears to be blowing up, if i'm wrong about this and she put in a lot more work than i'm acknowledging, then i'll append and correct, because i see no shame in admitting when you're wrong, which is why i'll never have a job in media.
did bari weiss do more than just her published pieces? probably! do i think she cranked out the kind of work in three years that your average local reporter is responsible for in three months? probably not!
also, too, the interlectural dork web complaint is that her voice is being silenced, so whatever unpublished or unattributed or editing work she did is wholly irrelevant to my mockery.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: i have it on good authority (really!) that she did more than what i've given her credit for here. my point about her dork web buddies crying about how her voice is being silenced still stands, but she definitely did more than phone in a column >2x a month.
here's a thread with a mild correction, if only because i was genuinely wrong about assuming that's all she did, in case you're into that kind of thing. it does, however, contain more mockery.
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