Check this out I was doing some decoding and found myself in a pickle. I started to dig and I'm intrigued by what im finding after going to horoscope . com
Check out the symbol next to the quarantine link. Weird right ? Same masonic checkers as wayfair? Idk..
I could be getting at nothing but I thought it was strange that the website is heavily saturated with legal terms of service agreements and they are basically harvesting peoples data to keep and do with what they please , cause they can..go look at their site
Their policies radically claim no responsibility for pretty much anything at all, including standing up for their own company lol. So who owns this site ? Ingenio.
I just want to figure out the meaning of the chosen company name. I found these two thing to be helpful. Weird cause unless this is all a coincidence these "my little lovers" seem to think they are very clever. Say in-gen-io and en-e-ko alot over and over, almost siimilar
Is this just me ?!
#WWG1GWA check out this thread please and help me do some digging #QAnon
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