1) I re-watched Creed 2 last night, and was immediately struck by how anti-woke the movie is.

One scene, in particular, seems to encapsulates this anti-wokeness:

Donny is talking with Rocky about the possibility of his and Bianca's newborn daughter being deaf (i.e., an...
2) identity politics trifecta, as this means the child would be black, female AND disabled). From the woke perspective, this kid will have immediately won the victimhood Olympics, and will be ideally poised to make her oppression and marginalization the core aspects of her...
3) worldview for the rest of her life.

Self pity IS what wokeism runs on.

But, Rocky immediately says to Donnie: "This kid won't be feeling sorry for herself. You shouldn't either."


Not to mention the fact that Rocky is a white man, saying this to a black man.
4) That's anathema from a woke perspective. (It would be decried as white ignorance, white complacency, passive racism, micro-aggression, etc.)

But Donny reacts in a very anti-woke manner by taking his (white) mentor's advice, without reading any ulterior motives into it.
5) Moreover, the entire premise of Creed revolves around the strength of the human spirit, the ability to work hard, overcome adversity, and achieve your dreams.

Wokeism holds that society is rigged against oppressed identity groups; especially blacks. It would be pointless...
6) ... to attempt a meritorious rise through life while being forced to exist within such an unfair, abusive system.

But, a meritorious rise is exactly what Donny achieves. He quickly finds that self-pity will get him NOWHERE, and resolves to build himself up and meet the...
7) challenges life has thrown at him.

These challenges are symbolized in the form of Ivan Drago's (the man who killed Donny's father) hulking monstrosity of a son, Dominic.

Again, the anti-wokeness of Creed makes itself apparent in Donny's struggle with the younger Drago.
8) Woke philosophy holds that Donny ought to receive a "break", a handicap (to use a golf term) or a mitigation of some sort, in dealing with the obstacles placed before him, in the name of equity.

The Drago's are white, and therefore benefit from the privilege that comes...
9) from having been born into that exclusive caste. (Never mind the fact that they have been living in poverty and disgrace, while Donny has been afforded all the benefits of a wealthy upbringing).

From the woke perspective, Dominic should have entered the ring and...
10) immediately taken a dive, for Donny's benefit, in the spirit of being a good ally.

This obviously doesn't happen, though. Donny is expected to meet Drago as an equal, and may the best man win--

Equality over equity??

VERY anti-woke.

In a woke world, relationships like...
11) the mentor-student relationship between Rocky and Donny, and the relationship of adversarial competitiveness between Donny and Drago, couldn't happen.

Both require that the parties involved meet each other on equal footing. But wokeism, at its core, relegates identity...
12) tribes to the role of subservience. Members of marginalized groups can achieve nothing without the benevolent blessings of the overseers (i.e., the whites); without a conscious decision from those who hold all the cards to to feel the pang of conscience for all of the...
13) lesser mortals who have been exploited in their name, to subsequently relent, and then to gift those wretched souls with the ill-gotten, bountiful largesse that whiteness has afforded their betters; to mete out (long overdue) recompense to the lowly, aggrieved, unwashed...
14) masses.

So, in a woke world, Donny could never have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and achieved that kind of success. His blackness, his perpetual subjugation in a white man's world, would have made it impossible.

The ONLY success he could achieve would have had...
END) to have been gifted to him by those with power and agency.

Of course, that wouldn't have made for as inspirational of a movie.

Anyways, the point of this thread is simply this: REJECT wokeness. It is fraudulent, divisive nonsense, and a cancer on western society.
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