"Growth as THE goal"

Contrary to what most people believe, it would be best if you weren't chasing "success" as the ultimate metric to judge your life.

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There is something much more crucial, that serves as a lead indicator of that success you seek.


Let me explain.

Building on the thread I did yesterday about training your brain to deal with the hassle of entrepreneurship and professional development.
Today I want to discuss why you should stop judging your life in binary terms (success/failure, good/bad, etc...), and start grading your experience on a scale.

Correctly, you should start thinking about how much of what you are currently doing is helping you GROW.
On all fronts, at all times, in any situation.

Proper growth.

If you do this, everything that happens to you becomes nothing more than "feedback" that perfects, "the system of you". You'll start reframing all experiences in a positive light:

Did you go bankrupt?
Ok, sucks, but what did you learn? Write it down. Create new protocols of operation. Hire coaches to help you mend your mistakes. Make sure you grow from this. Etc

Did you IPO? Ok, cool, but what did you learn? What will you do know with all that money?
Will you stay as CEO because you are growing exponentially, or are you instead done with it because you're stagnant?

When you think things in terms of success or failure, you miss out on the subtleties that actually make life meaningful.
You can IPO a company but be morally bankrupt and have negative personal growth (divorce, etc...)
You can bankrupt your company, but after having taken care of your staff, sorted things out with suppliers, and earned a good reputation.

You get my point.
I think Anglo-Saxon cultures get this concept (and talk about it) much better than Latin/Hispanic ones (to which I belong). I'll give you a personal example.
In 2013, I graduated after 7,5 years studying a highly-prestigious yet worthless degree (median age to completion back then: 9,5, so I was a f*cking champion), and the market had crashed 98%.

So no jobs available.

At all.
I had to choose: either emigrate to other latitudes (say, China or UK), or try to make it at home. I chose the latter.

I was 200% sure I didn't want to work as an architect in the long run, but I had no other skills.
Nor any specific knowledge of finance, which is the path I eventually chose.

So I started reading. Not only finance, but anything that had to be with self-management, personal development, applicable philosophy, etc.

Most of which were, well... in English.
When I looked into the typical personal growth/personal development advice in Spain (and in Spanish), it was all bullshitesque half-truths that read mostly as watered-down philosophical ideas that *seemed reasonable* but provided little applicable value.

Nothing helpful, I mean.
(English personal growth stuff is often also riddled with a lot of BS, don't get me wrong. But the ratio value-to-bullshit is much higher in the Spanish-speaking world).

So what did I do?
I taught myself to read in English, going to the source for most of the books that I found intellectually compelling to try to find answers. (Full list in http://Selfmastered.net )

Well, you know my story.
At some point, I had an epiphany, got a cool job, everything clicked, and I started growing exponentially. You know my story.
My point is that by focusing on "growing" (dissipating all the shadows I had in my self-management skills, lack of confidence, lack of financial expertise, etc.) I was inevitably setting the stage for future success.
Instead of chasing the narrow metric of success, which in this case would be "how to ace a finance interview", for instance.

I approached success "as a matter of chance, not a matter of luck".

Because I didn't chase "success", I was going to make sure I get it.
I have then found this idea true in every domain: when you focus on growth instead of success, your progress is exponential.
When you focus on success alone, you shortcircuit valuable feedback loops from other parts of "The System of You" that can enable exponential growth later on.

Don't believe me? Ask yourself (or any entrepreneur) what is the #1 vehicle for personal growth.
They will undoubtedly reply. "entrepreneurship itself."

When a small business isn't performing well, it is probably because the founder has personal problems that reflect on their business.
When a big company isn't performing well, it tends to be because, on top of personal problems the top executives may be having, the place is riddle with internal politics that compromise effectiveness.
One way or another, if those in charge aren't developing personally, the business will not grow as it should.

You can be a top financial analyst, top eCommerce guru, or whatever, that if your mind isn't growing, your performance will suffer, and your business will stall.
Or never take flight.

It took me a few years of shaking off the cultural BS I had assimilated regarding personal growth (we Hispanic/Latins don't really believe much in it) to understand that all success is a consequence of personal mastery.
Final point: I tell entrepreneurs and young professionals (and now those who have the Roadmap and/or the Evolution program), to check their rates of selfmastered Evolution (the self-directed personal growth trajectory).
I've found this RSE to be the best lead indicator of personal & professional success (remember the Red Queen Effect?).

If you only take 1 thing from this thread, let it be how to measure your rate of selfmastered evolution (RSE) across all the relevant dimensions.
When you focus on growing across most relevant variables, you will attract great things to yourself.

Trust me on this.
Of course, if you want a proven blueprint that can turn you into a laser-focused top performer in 6 weeks or less, sign up for the Selfmastered Evolution program.

I have a couple of spots available.
Sign up here, get familiar with the methodology, and book your call to see if it makes sense to work together.


1. Being ready to invest in yourself
2. Being willing to EVOLVE into a 10x you
3. Being coachable Let's upgrade yourself: http://www.selfmastered.net/freecasestudy 
How can it help?

- Help you achieve laser focus
- Fully optimize your mindset
- Give you a physiological blueprint for maximum output
- Teach you New Age Productivity (no Pomodoro, please)
- Digital tools to speed everything

In short: at least 4X your output. Probably more
You can follow @leoncastilloVC.
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