Yeah, so: story time. I got a lot of warnings about the dangers of liberal indoctrination of college. I was told that if our professors found out we were Christians (and they'd better find out), our grades would suffer and we'd be hounded.
When I got to college, I kept finding that other Christian kids I knew kept having this experience. But I didn't. Why were they all being picked on by their professors for being a Christian, but I wasn't?
I'll tell you why. None of us were being picked on by our professors. Some of us were giving good faith engagements with the material and trying our best to learn and grow. Others were avoiding the work and avoiding class discussion. Their grades suffered.
The fear with which we were sent into college was actively hindering the learning process and keeping students from plunging in and learning the material. It was stunting their growth. And when they didn't learn they had a built-in excuse for what went wrong: persecution.
So people often ask me why I'm so insistent against teaching an evangelical-friendly view of history or holding a party line about the historical provability of Christian claims. It's because these are the things that contribute to the fear response in Christian kids.
The way I see it is, nothing you learned in a six week apologetic course in high school is going to be a match for a full-fledged liberal arts education. So let's just be honest! Let's just embrace a Christianity that doesn't dissolve in the water bath of a university setting!
But our kids are not being indoctrinated or persecuted by meeting people who aren't like them or by reading books they wouldn't have chosen themselves. And if your worldview can't endure those pressure points, it's best to find a new one.
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