United States vs Ghislaine Maxwell: (conference call) court hearing/arraignment starting now,, US attorney’s office introduced himself. lots of technical difficulties
we’ve been on hold for 28 minutes now, i think detty has been on hold for 40 minutes now. I just hope i don’t get disconnected bc the room is full. we expect the govt to do all these conspiracies but they can’t even properly run a zoom courtroom call
courtroom reporter introduced herself, as uh, “Kristen Cavaleri(?)” lots of audio issues and someone is rubbing up against the mic. the mic might be able to file a molestation lawsuit by the time this is over.
i stg the DMV is better organized than the south district federal court of new york. many bodegas are better operated, we need to purge all lawyers and fed government officials. someone just said they will begin shortly. get your bagels and monster ultra
judge has called the case. maxwell’s attorney mr. cohen from Cohen & Gressell Law group introduced himself. note: on her super team of lawyers, she has former el chapo prosecutor Christian Everdell for some reason on her side. lots of money being spent for her defense here
judge telling the defendant maxwell she has rights etc and we hear ghislaine’s voice for the first time. she responds politely in British accent “that is correct your honor thank you” to all her questions of waiving physical appearance. ghislaine sounds calm and very sexy
indictment and arraignment details being ironed out. ministerial changes etc. personal note: it’s really a treat for me to hear ghislaine’s voice. ugh I love her accent so much. mossad milkers is so elegant how she says “not guilty, yer honner”
not sure how much I can do this. the prosecutor sounds like she was one of those students in school who asked the teacher that they forgot to assign homework. shrill ass karen voice. imo she is very nervous and out of her element, she might lose this case
ghislaine’s attorney mark cohen already condescending the prosecutor lmao. Cohen playing hardball pointing out deadlines of search warrants on aug 31st which the prosecutor forgot to mention earlier. i love this guy - i would hire him as my counsel if i was a trafficker 💯
judge will hear arguments for bail now. government says defendant extreme risk of flight risk. red flags: financial means, strong intl ties, skills to avoid extradition. govt wants maxwell detained until trial.
how much money does ghislaine have at her disposal?? govt says “ghislaine is a citizen of France and UK also. and owns properties in UK, says France won’t extradite citizens of France even under the extradition treaty between then and US. the extradition process will be lengthy”
FINANCES: US attorneys emphasized that ghislaine “has no income but possibly has a trust or assets. makes no sense with her lifestyle. ghislaine wasn’t forthcoming about her finances clearly. the New Hampshire home was owned by a third party. concealing assets/using aliases”
US attorney confirms that there was on the property in New Hampshire an ex-british special forces associates on the premises! also: “cell phones in her possession were wrapped (makeshift faraday cage? in aluminum foil) and when FBI breached the door she was not fully cooperative.
maxwell counsel now gives their argument for bail: “defendant should be let out on bail to work on her very important case. preparing a defense would not be realistic. she was a victim of media spin etc” foreshadowing to trial: attorneys will try to distance maxwell from epstein
COHEN: “(maxwell) family and associates have received death threats, (maxwell) is not epstein, she is NOT a monster. a victim of media spin. client should be released on bail under conditions that ensure she will appear in court.” btw: bail is the only chance i see mossad milkers
COHEN: referencing “Esposito case (drug kingpin), bernie madoff (billions of wealth), and Khassogi case from 1989 (also had billions in wealth far more than our client)” arguing that the court should allow bail release due to previous high profile defendants allowed bail
COHEN: “my client received death threats, so the security protocol was to go to a room for her safety when she heard trucks and cars driving up the road near her home. she wasn’t fleeing to a secret tunnel or anything. the windows and doors were all open but FBI knocked it down”
side note: earlier, the US attorney working with the FBI, unwittingly confirmed in court during bail arguments that wrapping your iPhone in tinfoil won’t work to avoid government surveillance. but i will absolutely continue doing that when im not using it. i don’t believe them.
Mark Cohen is very thorough. wow. he is saying bc of COVlD and the length of govt investigations and discovery will last until november or longer with limited access to her defense team, will make it difficult to fight each element of the case against her. wonder if she gets bail
COHEN lmao is so condescending. i love this mfer. he keeps shading the govt counsel, that she didn’t raise sufficient proof maxwel was making plans to leave the country. that she was sitting in NH. I want to hire Cohen to get my twitter acct back if I ever get suspended
Judge Nathan giving her ruling on bail: “denying bail is only for dangerousness to community and a severe flight risk. presumption favoring detention for cases with minor victims. govt has the burden of proof to show defendant is risk of flight risk.” maxwell is denied bail 😳😔
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