Terrifying watching the 'woke' justify the apparent vicious workplace bullying of Bari Weiss because she had the 'wrong' opinions. It never occurs to them the precedent it sets to deem people unworthy of human rights because of their views. Re-education camps nearly always follow
Bari is accused of being - double gasp - a centrist & conservative, of not holding the 'correct' inclusive views. As if correctness is self-evident. A rational society that values liberal democracy is able to debate ideas. It seems we no longer live in one https://www.bariweiss.com/resignation-letter
I've read a few of Weiss' pieces, some I agreed with, some I didn't. That's the power of opinion. You mull it over, test it, see how it stands up. Removing those ideas from @nytimes doesn't strengthen it, it makes it weak & brittle. The bullies have won, but journalism lost.
You can think Bari Weiss' ideas are wrong. You can think she's not a very nice person. But guess what, you argue those ideas or you ignore them/her entirely. What you don't do is gang up like a bunch of schoolkids to use work social media channels to bully her.
This Left is trash
One of Bari Weiss' main 'sins' is to be a hypocrite because she campaigned as a Columbia uni undergraduate against what she, and many other Jewish students, felt was an intimidating antisemitic atmosphere preventing their free speech. She wanted to 'cancel' others apparently...
Going on this contemporaneous article and not The Intercept's Assad vile apologist Glen Greenwald's hatchet job, the professors involved *admit* to what would likely be intimidating behaviour for students reliant on them for good grades.

From this very example meant to gotcha Weiss, it's actually clear that her Woke detractors think speech that harms, bullies & intimidates people is absolutely *fine* if it's directed at people with these allegedly 'wrong' opinions.

There *is* hypocrisy here but it ain't Weiss.
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