Yet another one.
Ok, real talk here. Not sure how long this thread will be, but try to bear with me.
Horror Authors, hell Authors in general. Do not harass women! Simple concept, apparently hard for some to comprehend.
You see a lot of the big names speaking out against this,
and that's awesome! They have the voice and the reach to actually make the difference needed.
Now let me tell you how it looks from down on the first rung of the ladder.
I'm not a big name author. I have one book out and it's not the greatest, though I am proud of it.
And I look
and see these literary giants, people that have put out 20, 30, 40+ books, people that are household names doing stupid shit like this.
And it makes me wonder, is it worth it?
And then I remember this one simple thing.
I may be on the bottom of the ladder, but I will be climbing
up. I might not reach the top, and that's ok. But I am part of the next generation of horror authors. And we can be different. We can be better.
Right here and now, in front of some of the biggest names in my chosen field @BrianKeene @marysangiovanni @StephenKing @ChristophGolden
and everyone in the horror community, I vow I will never harass women, I will never send unwanted DMs, I will be better than that, I will be a decent human being, an ally and a friend. I will do everything in my power to be a safe space for women in the field, and women in
Can I get other Authors to make the same pledge? And pledge to hold those accountable who need to be?
To be a shelter in the dark for those that need it?
To just be a decent human being?
Now, I'm going to mute myself because I talk to much.
But before I do that,
I stand with the victims, I believe the women, and I am pissed off that you had to go through this bullshit.
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