With all the fuss about mandatory mask-wearing in shops, and Tories cutting up their membership cards in protest, it seems timely to offer this.

It happened this morning. I have regular blood tests to check liver and kidney function, because of the mild immunosuppressants...
...I need to take for my stupid skin. I walked to King’s Hospital this morning, and got in to see the phlebotomist quite quickly. I won’t name her, but judging by her name (I googled it) she’s Nigerian, and from her accent probably a first generation immigrant of the sort so...
...valued 🙄 by the present Home Secretary.

I was wearing a mask even before the hospital offered one because, hey, good habits. She was wearing a both a mask and visor. She pulled the mask down after she’d finished doing the initial paperwork and, honestly, I don’t think...
...I’ve ever seen anyone so emotionally drained, as well as physically tired. She said, “I hate wearing these.” And there was so, so much in those four words. The sense of defeat was almost palpable.

I was thinking, ‘What if I was the kind of person who on social media is...
...howling about only having to wear one now and again. Or the kind of person who’d immediately have a go at her for failing to protect me in that little cubicle?’

I just empathised, and told her that I couldn’t understand why some people were kicking off about just having to...
...wear them for 12-14 hour shifts, to help protect us. Oh, the look she gave me when she replied, “Not everybody understands that.” It was heartbreaking.

So, I gave her a pep talk while she was taking my blood; let her know in no uncertain terms how what she and the others...
...were doing was valued. I told her, and sincerely meant it, that if angels truly walk among us, then it’s her and her colleagues. I told her that in my head I was giving her a massive virtual hug. And as I left, I told her that she was genuinely loved.

As I walked out of the..
...hospital, I felt really choked up, and I hope that what I said has made a bit of a difference to her day.

I’m not posting this because I want to show off what a nice guy I am. God knows, I can be be a shitty, stubborn know-it-all when I set my mind to it. I’m posting this...
...because I want to show off what a nice guy I am. God knows, I can be be a shitty, stubborn know-it-all when I set my mind to it. I’m posting this because I want people to know that, however much you might feel personally inconvenienced or put-out by the prospect of having to..
...wear a mask when going into a shop or travelling by public transport, there are those for whom it’s a hundred times more difficult because it’s a fact of their every working hour. And if we can help them, by doing our little bit for a few minutes here and there, then surely...
...it’s not that much of an imposition or an infringement of our personal liberties.

I’m lucky. I don’t think I actually know many people who would think like that. But if you do, and want to share this, then do so with my blessing.


Chris x #NHS #facemask #Masks4All
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