A) F**k #CindyAdams. I have a little tea ☕️ for you guys about her. Of course she’s trying to take down #MaryTrump. Typical. I’ve never spoken about this before, here we go... https://twitter.com/pagesix/status/1282895372021530624
B) When my beloved Joan Rivers passed away, I was devastated. I still miss Joan every day as I know you guys do. She wasn’t just a mentor, she was a true and giving friend to me. Couple things about that awful week:
C) That POS Andy Cohen texted me the day Joan died with something like “you should take over Fashion Police.” My friend Joan was a person, not a job opportunity. Around that time #CindyAdams ran some BS in Page Six saying...
D) I had been standing over Joan’s bed while she was in a coma (of course this never happened but...) ringing my hands in anticipation of getting the stupid Fashion Police gig.
E) This was a bridge too far, even for me. I called my then-publicist, Cindi Berger (don’t even know if she’s still in the business, but whatever)...
F) and asked her to confront #CindyAdams. Berger told me “ignore it. Put that newspaper in the bottom of the birdcage.”
G) Side note: #CindyAdams and Joan Rivers were friends. In fact, the three of us even had dinner one time in NYC. For some reason, Cindy Adams’ lie about me in the NY Post haunts me.
H) I can’t believe I’ve been fearful and convinced by others to not dispute that false and disgusting lie.
I) In my opinion, this is what #CindyAdams does for a living. She tried to convince her readers that her dear friend Joan Rivers would ever be in a friendship with anyone ringing their hands over her deathbed??
J) Come at me now b*tch and see if I care.
Love, Kathy Griffin
PS: RIP Joan 4 EVAH. ❤️ 💔 ❤️
FUCK TRUMP. ☕️ ☕️ ☕️
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