As a former student of a school district that was unable to buy SOAP for the bathrooms due to underfunding, let me tell you about how @BetsyDeVosED is trying to defund schools that don’t reopen this fall... a thread
@BetsyDeVosED has made it clear that if schools don’t reopen they will stipples of federal funding, and that is horrible. Reopening should be decided on a state and district level. Because some schools have plenty of space, staff and resources to open safely in the fall.
HOWEVER, there are also schools that are over crowded and underfunded and cannot reopen and give every child a safe and helpful education. Therefore instead of defunding these schools we neee to give them MORE money! Give them the resources to support their kids
The kids at these schools sometimes rely on them for their food, or to be a safe space. Fund these schools so they can give every child access to education. This is just another form of systematically harming those who cannot afford to live in good districts.
it’s not these kids fault that they are part of an underfunded broken system. So why are we punishing them by further taking aid away from them? Don’t let this go unnoticed. this is a big deal! Stop Betsy Devoss from harming our youngest citizens!
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