Can’t see the article, but these rules are all largely bullshit. If you follow only one, it’s to be on time, because being on time is one of the best life skills there is.

Let’s break these down, but first some background on me and where I’m coming from… 1/?
I’ve worked remote for 7+ years, at a startup that went public and expanded internationally. I was an individual contributor, line manager, program manager, an executive leader during that time, all remote. I’ve been in a lot of video calls. Here we go: 2/?
1. Don’t be late.

Sure, try not to be, but the more back to back meetings you have, the more you have to get a drink, stand up, use the bathroom or just step OFF. “I will be 5 mins late for a bio break” is humanizing, which is the true route for success working remote 3/?
2. Turn on camera. COME ON, not everyone can, and not everyone wants to all the time.

Sure, the more you CAN do it, the better—it’s nice to see everyone’s face—but I’d rather you turn if off if you need to. Stitch Fix made plenty of executive decisions on the phone 4/?
3. No eating. Fuck this rule. Timezones are a thing, life is a thing, I have to fucking eat to sustain my life and I don’t always get to decide when. I try to mute if I’m eating/chewing, but video calls during mealtime is a fact of life, stop shaming people about it. 5/?
4. Learn how to interrupt. This is a HARD one because white men like me make a living interrupting others and it’s not cool. It’s worse on video. Be comfortable asking to go back and revisit something to avoid interrupting. Better - create structure for participation instead 6/?
4 (cont) There is an art to knowing when to jump in and say “hold up for a sec can I ask a question”, but if you MUST interrupt, do so to ask if it’s OK to say something. Don’t interrupt with your point. This is hard for people like me that naturally interrupt, but in no way…7/?
4 (cont) in no way should we be encourage MORE interruption. If you are leading a meeting and want input—ASK FOR FUCKING INPUT—don’t just assume everyone will white dude their way into the meeting to weigh in. Turns Out™ asking people for input works better. 8/?
Where were we? 5. Close your door. Fuck off with this rule. What problem does this solve? What if I don’t have a door? What if it’s hot in my office? What if I’m not in an office. Why is Emily Post telling me how to have a meeting?!!?? 9/?
6. No multitasking. The number of stupid meetings I’ve been invited to is…large. The value Stitch Fix got out of me doing work while in a shitty meeting is pretty significant and while not paying attention IS rude… 10/?
…the social pressure of attending a meeting, or calling a meeting that could be email, or calling a meeting with no agenda is also rude. Sorry, but I’m trying to get things done and I’m not keen on doing what I’m told because someone can’t use email. 11/?
Now, I don’t want this to be a “learn to use email or GTFO” kinda thing. People work in different ways. That’s fine. Here’s the deal: you don’t tell me to pay attention to a meeting that doesn’t require my attention and I won’t tell you to use email. 12/?
In reality, remote work—like any work—is about balancing compromise to accommodate the working styles of everyone needed to get things done. Yes, you can hire for this a bit, but everyone processes information differently so don’t tell me I should do it your way. 13/?
7. Sit Still. You know what, fuck this rule, too. I have back and knee problems and need to adjust my position frequently. You don’t like it, tough. Emily Post again with the nonsense rules.

I will now present some ACTUALLY USEFUL meeting etiquette. 14/?
1. Mute yourself if you are not talking because the background noise reveals how shitty Zoom et. al.’s full-duplex audio system is. It’s Zoom’s fault, not yours, but you still have to mute.


Oh, you want to be successful working remote in a general sense? 15/?
1. Build and replenish trust with your team. If you have trust, you will work together. If you aren’t working well, there is a breach of trust somewhere. But you can fix it, because most people are just trying to survive the day and get things done.


Must acknowledge that as a white dude—often with organizational power—I can diverge from company norms with impunity. That is a privilege, so I don’t mean to imply otherwise. Keep your head down, don’t talk to HR, learn to manage up, etc. It’s not safe out there. 16/17
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