I love how she cries because someone tried to dox her but she's doing the exact same to someone else... Yall still believe this? Open your eyes while you can, you're being manipulated.
Also this person faked s3lf h4rm1ng, I recommend reporting them.

Let's just say that all of this started because she scammed nearly 50 DOLLARS WORTH OF ROBUX FROM SOMEONE. Then she proceeded to play the victim by saying she was trying to give the robux back when she was ignoring her (there's proof)
She also refused in the beginning to address the situation which got people to start hating on her because they wanted an explanation and she didn't seem to care at all... Again, second mistake.
The dm is a screenshot from the girl that got scammed trying to contact her, again, she was not replying but she says she was "trying to give it back"
She claims she was busy when she was in fact on Twitter all the time replying to hateful comments and posting disgusting fake pictures of self harming. The pictures she posted of the tissue are fake blood.
With all this she gave someone a REAL panic attack by posting those pictures without a TW or anything..... But she's still playing the victim.
Another reason why all of this is clearly fake and just a call for attention from her: she said she was gonna take a break but she kept on being on Twitter and 1 hour later she changed her username back from takingabreak_x to fakeitx
Also, there's plenty of proof on how she scammed more people before but she refuses to address the issue. https://twitter.com/loveIysofiaa/status/1283034403632025600?s=19
Now she's trying to victimize herself once again as "I didn't do anything wrong bc I gave part of it back"... LIKE GIRL, AS IF THAT MAKES ANYTHING RIGHT????? Lmao. You should've not scammed someone in first place.
This is the person that she tried to dox, it's @galaxxchi when she just tweet this, no harm, no anything, just a joke.
Also I truly believe this is a fake account or it belongs to one of her friends and they did this just for attention... Again, I'm not entirely sure so I cant provide proof but it's weird how this account is NEVER active and then out of nowhere posts this.... Weird?
Just a disclaimer that I don't agree with the death threats that were sent to her and I think that's very low but her attitude here was not any better... She chose to ignore the situation which triggered a lot of people since she has a big account.
Just gonna leave this here https://twitter.com/lxlitasukii/status/1283078026742378499?s=19
Someone who was scammed by her https://twitter.com/sauskowski/status/1283140368737931270?s=19
So the kid is taking legal action against this user for pressuring her to give the stuff back that she stole from the other girl by saying that she would dox her when it's in fact a lie (she didn't) but dear roxy and her friends threatened to dox 2 girls... Lmao, hypocrisy?
If I was in this girl's shoes I WOULD take legal action against this clown, sweetie you wouldn't get away with it with me ❤️
Anyways, still joking about doxxing someone with her friend but wants to take legal action against someone who joked about doxxing them... Girl make it make sense 😭
TW/ joking about suicide
Roxy made it clear that she was very hurt with everything she had to deal with today but hours later makes a joke about suicide/disappearing. Tell me again this is not for attention.
N e ways, she went private so if someone wants to provide more info that is important for this thread, feel free to comment!

They be saying the most and then it's "This account is private" 🍵
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