"bUt wOmEn aRe gOldDigGeRs"
a thread
✓ jahaiz
✓ not investing in women's education
✓ the gender pay gap
✓ the portrayal of women as greedy villains via media tropes
✓ benevolent sexism
✓ sexist hiring
✓ the glass ceiling
✓ reducing women to chattel in a marriage system that is economic
✓ rampant sexual harassment and assault in corporate working spaces
✓ thinking women owe you sex after you choose to spend in them
✓ crippling women into existence at the mercy of a man, be it father, brother, son or partner for money
✓ purposefully not teaching them how to manage finances
✓ a banking system that does not permit the opening of a bank account without a male overseer
✓ flawed systems of inheritance
✓ little to no assets for women in inheritance due to unequal distribution of property
✓ using terminology like "larkay ko phasa lia" to make it seem like men are beasts of freedom that have to be entrapped by women and so they, among other things, burn a hole in a man's pocket too
✓ using the media trope of economic success as a plotline of revenge on a woman
✓ ignorance of the double burden/ triple burden of the domestic sphere, childrearing and career balancing to make it seem like the playing field for economic success is the same for a man as it is for a woman
✓ ~ behind ~every successful man is a woman (who probably took care of a million things that they chose to ignore in order to keep the wheel turning enough for the men to micromanage their careers)
✓sociological grooming of women from a young age to glorify the forgoing of identity in order to further a man's career to the extent that women grow up to feel like they either chose to do so & be good wives or felt like anything else would be selfish and selfcentered
✓ using words like "bossy", "imposing", "loud", "bold" to describe actions of women in work spaces (& generally too) for actions that would be praised as "leadership", "taking initiative" or "being a boss" if done by a man
✓ "he-peating"
when a man repeats what a woman just said as though it was an original idea of his & gains credit for it. done generally, but for the sake of this thread, done often in pitches & meetings in corporate spaces thereby keeping the women from recognition & promotions
✓ assuming that any woman who was successful in her field slept her way up because she could not possibly own enough braincells to do it on her own
✓ firing women the minute they get pregnant or not hiring a newly wed woman because she'll get pregnant soon and not be able to work/quit
✓ not giving paid maternity leave or in office facilities for mothers such as rooms for feeding/daycares
✓hiring women for "aesthetic" jobs such as secretaries or receptionists so that their "pretty faces are used"
✓ not hiring women who aren't conventionally attractive for the same reason
✓ stricter dress codes and moral.policing for women in corporate working spaces
✓ "can i speak to the man in charge"
✓ women having to be extraordinary in their performance to be ranked equally to the men who are getting by on mediocre performance at best in workspaces
repeatedly telling a girl that no matter how well she does or what she studies she will ultimately be married off so no point on investing in or encouraging her studies
✓ government and media ads that how saving for a little boy's graduation and a little girl's dowry
✓ not providing a transport stipend or transport facilities or even public transport systems for women to be able to access work institutions properly
✓ the definition of a good worker being one that is decided on the capacity of a man & not a women e.g. being able to stay late, work long hours, being available at odd times, all of which women cannot do within the unsafe public sphere and the current sociological system
✓ dr bahus i.e. taking working women & curtailing them to the domestic environment alone
✓ excluding women from conversations about business and economics kyun ke yeh aurtin ki batein nai hain or acting condescending and mansplainy when they do attempt to join the conversation
✓ relegating women to caretaking jobs& public interaction jobs and then underpaying such as the hr, and caretaking sectors such as teaching & nursing professions because a woman's income is supplementary to her man's income and lets not let them get too greedy now
✓ excluding daughters from conversations about household finances and business strategies as well as excluding wives from updates about them and leaving them purposefully in the dark to become self fulfilling "burdens"

the inspiration for this thread.

be better. unlearn.
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