I'm voting for Trump.

I'm also wearing a mask while in public places such as stores and doctors' offices.


I'm glad you asked..
Not wearing a mask isn't "sticking it to the man", "the man" doesn't know or care what you're doing or not doing in reality. They just use scare tactics and for MANY, those tactics are working perfectly.
When I refuse to wear a mask in a store or other public setting, I'm not proving a point unless I have an hour to explain to every person there WHY I'm not wearing one. I'm only being seen as that uncaring asshole the MSM has convinced them all I am.
These people are asleep.. they're scared shitless because the news, "experts" and state leaders are telling them they should be. I can't expect every person out there to know what I know and there's not enough hours in a day to explain it to them all.
So I'm playing along with their game while I'm out in public, among those too scared to see the truths because I'm a respectful person HOWEVER I will never wear one outside, at the beach, at a park, walking my dog, driving in my car, at home, etc.
As someone with GAD, I completely understand and if I wasn't informed, I'd be losing my mind right now too so I'll wear one but that doesn't mean I'm uninformed, asleep or a sheep.
It means I know what's going on and how easily mind controlled many still are. So you can make your assumptions, you can call me a hypocrite, you can say I'm brainwashed but I know what's up. I know they don't work but I know many are still petrified.
Me not wearing a mask isn't proving shit to anyone and me wearing one isn't either, IMO. I am well aware of what's truly going on and I'll do the best I can with that knowledge. I'll mask up, go to the store, get my shit, get out and take it off.
Quit mask shaming on both sides, it's counterproductive and creates an even greater divide which is exactly what THEY want. Don't wear one if you don't want to and wear one if you do. Worry about yourself and stop shaming everyone for doing what they think is best.

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