I’ve seen a lot of people saying “KQ probably didnt know!! They’re a small company without resources!” And while it’s not my place as a non-black person to accept their apology, saying the rest of this ignores KQ’s history. So I want to give y’all a bit of background on KQ 1/?
2/? KQ entertainment was established in 2016 as the parent company for Seven Seasons Entertainment (established in 2013). This is an interesting situation where the parent company is established after the smaller company. The reason for this was because the CEO of SS wanted...
3/? To expand their reach in the entertainment industry. Seven Seasons is a company exclusively for the management of Block B, but as KQ, the company could expand to managing other idols, and managaing a team of producers and song writers under the label KQ Produce. As a result
4/? Of the expansion, the primary staff from Seven Seasons crosses over with KQ, including stylists, song writers, executives, producers, and even dancers (Atiny and BBC alike are familiar with BB Trippin). ATZ themselves call Block B “sunbaenim from our company”.
5/? Block B is incredibly notable and gives KQ a lot of industry experience, and connections. That isn’t to say that KQ is a large company. They still have a small staff, and only manage a handful of artists. However, saying they wouldn’t have known about the controversy is...
6/? Ignoring the significant experience the management team has had with past controversies. Under Seven Seasons, Block B faced numerous controversies about this very same issue. Members wore a number of culturally appropriative hairstyles on more than one occasion and were...
7/? Regularly called out for it by international fans. Additionally, members have been known to say racial slurs, and racist micro aggressions/comments like “x-member talks black” and others. (I won’t go into all the controversies because this thread isn’t about Block B’s past...
8/? ...but they’re easily found on google). Seven Seasons management, which is now KQ management, dealt with these controversies on a regular basis. Sometimes the apologies were acknowledged by the black community, sometimes they weren’t. Block B is infamous for these issues.
9/? Bringing this back to the present, KQ absolutely has enough staff who would have been through past controversies and who would have enough industry awareness that they should have stepped in on this issue before it was published. Seeing so many atiny dismiss
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