I have a small account on here, compared to a lot of you. I have never done anything like this on Twitter, before, but I feel I need to, now.

My husband is going through coronary bypass surgery right now, and I am asking for prayers, good energy, whatever you can give. Thanks.
The hospital calls with updates, every hour or so. They called. They are still getting veins. So far, he is doing well. Please continue to pray.

This went so far, so FAST! Please know that I appreciate each and every one of you, and am attempting to get back to you all. Thanks!
Surgery is done. He is now in recovery. The doctor said he was pleased with how it went, which is a good sign, to me.

Because of other medical issues, this was terrifying, and his recovery will be harder than most, but he is a strong, determined man.
Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, good vibes, and energy!

Twitter can be a tough place to be, sometimes, but for me, today it was a good place, thanks to all of you amazing people!

Continued prayers, etc., are appreciated.

Thank you, again, and may you all be blessed
This thread REALLY took off! It was my intention, to thank each and every one of you that commented, but I am having a LOT of trouble keeping up! I know that there are more comments than I am seeing, because, it seems, Twitter will only allow me to see a certain amount at a time.
Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you, that have taken the time to pray, send your good energy, and to comment. You all have renewed my faith in humanity, and that is a HUGE boost!

He is still in the ICU, but was able to get up and sit in a chair, this morning
His road to recovery will take longer than most, as he is diabetic, is a dialysis patient, and actually was admitted to the hospital for a totally different, but related, reason.

Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you, and your continued positivity! THANK YOU!
You can follow @ejanis1.
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