Yesterday it was a blow to have our mass suspended again, but today I have decided to put on my big-girl bloomers and stop whining. I need to practice much more gratitude for all God has given to me! And He is SO generous. I have my faith, the two most incredible sons
In the world, my vocation (nursing and now teaching nursing school), I converted to the Catholic faith when I was in college (40+ years ago), I have an education, a job, I have dear friends, a lifetime of wonderful treasured memories of direct patient care,
Grew up in Libya and learned to love and cherish people very different from myself, I am even grateful for my childhood abuse because it made me a better parent and sensitive nurse, and I am trying to be very grateful for this difficult period because I believe
This could be a gift of love for us from God—maybe we strayed so far away that He wants to bring us back, and I am VERY grateful for all our priests, religious, bishops for all they are doing for us—their burden is heavy today, and I am grateful for the ability
To watch mass online. That’s a great gift. And I wouldn’t have met so many people and learned about their lives and joys! I love the pictures people share! The precious babies born and the dear young couples getting engaged! Thanks be to God!! All gifts of His love!! 🙏😊
Oh man I forgot to add this to the thread! How grateful I am for the Chicago Cubs! Go Cubs Go!!!
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