There is a lot going on with this Zaborona / StopFake thing, but the central issue of these aggressive refutations on anything related to the Ukrainian far right is a lack of willingness and awareness to separate good faith and bad faith inquiries into the issue.
If you are so rabidly arguing that there are no issues with the far right in Ukraine that you end up defending Holocaust deniers (like the ones described in Zaborona's original investigation) and people who led deadly pogroms on Roma camps, then rethink your position a bit.
StopFake's co-founder threatening @zaborona_media with a lawsuit for its (factual) investigation, after the death threats against Sergatskova, is insane.
But anyways, just to revisit the stuff that has them so mad, read this:
For an idea of the type of people that are mobilizing for StopFake against Sergatskova, look at this guy not even pretending with the handle "natsoc"
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