W/ brutal crackdown, Iran was convulsed by the worst unrest in 40 years Back in november. What started as a protest over the increase in gasoline prices turned into widespread demonstrations met w/ a systematic repression that left at least 1500 people dead.
By the end of the 1st day NetWork connection was already shutdown.The internet manoeuvre effectively cut the country off from the rest of the planet, stifling the ability of people from communicating w/ each other, and from commerce of what was taking place.
It showed the extreme measures the regime’s elite were willing to take to cling to power and cover up alleged crimes by security forces.

Even Iran’s relatively so-called moderate president, @HassanRouhani , endorsed the political repression, betraying the largely middle class urbanites who twice voted for him over nominal hardline candidates.

At the time the number of people (unarmed civilians) who got killed was said to be 500 or some due to
@amnesty & @Reuters even tripled the number. which later on @FRANCE24 further supported the latter count.
In an interview with the Iranian @EtemadOnline , @mah_sadeghi, a (back then) member of Iran’s parliament, recalled a meeting between Iran's Interior Minister, Rahmani Fazli and MPs that the minister was asked if security forces shot protesters/
/in the head because it was not possible to shoot them below the waist. In answer to this question, Rahmani Fazli shamelessly responded: “Well! Protesters were shot in the legs as well.”
During the whole time which an entire nation was being brutally killed & interrogated if arrested -having internet shutdown on the other hand- western world remained silent & somehow their news agencies & medias boycotted the incidence due to unknown reasons.
Even @JZarif, regime's foreign minister, who was doing nothing but whitewashing the killings & causing impressions on the West with hise wide smiles & fluency in English was sent an invitation to @davos within a month after the protests.
Today Iranian users of twitter & other means of social media are taking action & trending hashtags to stop some executions. Iran's supreme court has upheld death penalty for three young protesters. We demand the verdict to be appealed.
Regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's order to treat those jailed for protests in Iran in November 2019, may in fact have been a call for maximum pressure on inmates in security prisons.

Ironically, Khamenei ordered his security chief Ali Shamkhani to treat those arrested in the protests with "Islamic kindness and affection."
Seven months after the order the accusation of "fighting Allah" is/
/hanging over 3 young men. Amir Hossein Moradi, Saeed Tamjidi and Mohammad Rajabi are given death sentences in Tehran and 8 other inmates in Isfahan are charged with "corruption on earth," another conviction that can entail death sentence.
You can follow @sadaf_zarei.
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