amirhossein moradi, saeed tamjidi, and mohammad rajabi are going to be executed because to their participation in protests in 2019, use your voice:
on february 18 2020, during his weekly press conference, iran’s judiciary spokesperson accused them of being "riot leaders" who had "set fire to banks and petrol stations [during the nationwide protests in November 2019] and had filmed their criminal acts and sent the videos-
-to foreign media".
they were also sentenced to between 11 and 16 years in prison and flogging on charges including "armed robbery", which were related to separate incidents, according to an informed source. 5heir lawyers received the verdict in mid-february 2020.
their trial has been described as unfair, gross and dehumanising by versions different people involved in this case.

according to amnesty international, moradi was held in prolonged solitary confinement and interrogated without a lawyer present.
he said that he was-
-subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including beatings, electric shock treatment and an interrogator standing on his chest.
he has said he only confessed after his interrogators promised to provide him with medical treatment for the injuries he sustained, which they-
later refused.

arrested on december 28, 2019, rajabi and tamjidi have also said they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including being kicked, beaten with batons and hung upside down while repeatedly beaten on their legs and feet-
-all were subjected to enforced disappearance for weeks after their arrests and denied access to a lawyer during the investigation phase of their case.

all of these statements that they confessed due to torture, were dismissed.
"executing people who took their frustrations over corrupt and unaccountable government officials to the street only adds insult to injury for those being crushed by the deteriorating economic situation," sepehri far said-
"fair trial and due process are essential for anyone accused of a crime, but in cases that carry the death penalty, their lack can lead to grave and irreversible injustice."
under international human rights laws, everyone has the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly as provided under the international covenant on civil and political rights (ICCPR)
on june 1, mojtaba zonoor, the head of iran’s parliamentary national security committee, said that 230 people had been killed during the protests.
he claimed that at least 7% of those who were killed died in direct confrontation with law enforcement.
the authorities have not published any detailed investigation or held anyone accountable for alleged cases of abuse.
on june 27, the head of the judiciary in isfahan province said that eight people arrested during the protests in december 2017, january 2018, and november 2019 have been sentenced on the charge of "sowing corruption on earth," without specifying a sentence.
"sowing corruption on earth" is a vaguely defined national security charge that can carry the death penalty.
these men are going to be killed.

use your voice.
i should mention; the petitions are pretty much useless but i put them there because the more engagement a petition gets, the more it gets recommended to people who might not even know about this!
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