Finally starting to write my talks for the intro to mapping class groups mini course I'm giving next week and I am reminded that I've never taken a class or attended a mini course on Mod(S) before (at least not one that I can remember lol).
I mean it's fine. This is my entire research area. 😅 I just wish I had old notes to look back on.
Also I keep going back and forth about how to deliver the talks. I finally got an ipad which is cool, but do I make slides and then annotate them? Or just write regular notes like I do for a chalk talk and treat my ipad like a black board? I think I'm leaning towards the latter.
Oh also I've been looking up mini courses to watch on youtube in preparation (watching/listening to one by Yair Minsky right now at 2x speed). Can you tell I'm nervous? lol.
How many "oh also"s am I going to tack onto this thread throughout the day? 😂
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